Give the gift of comfort
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Your donations help us deliver My Stuff Bags to waiting children. Please donate now or call the Foundation at 866.3MY.STUFF.

Why We Need You

There are 3 essential components that we have always relied upon to serve the needs of our nation’s most vulnerable children and anyone, anywhere can help.

Our 3 essential components are:

  1. Donated children’s items: Thousands of people and community service groups nationwide collect and donate new children’s items for the duffels, you can too! Click here for our current needs.
  2. Volunteers to stuff the bags: Got time? If you live near our Southern California Volunteer Center, you can schedule a time to help stuff bags, make blankets or help with other needs. Click Here
  3. Funding: This third must remains an essential component in our ongoing goal to deliver as many My Stuff Bags as possible to waiting children. We need your help. Click Here

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